Mould Services

Thank you for your interest in our mould and mycotoxin decontamination and mould testing services.

A quick look through the web will reveal a growing army of organisations, individuals and "experts" jumping on the emerging bandwagon of mould cleaning. Many have invested in glossy websites and polished sales blurb which are pretty convincing and usually accompanied by glowing but more often than not, fake reviews and ridiculous claims of sterilisation and that their fogging process removes mould (which it does not) and guaranteeing that the mould won't come back - which it won't if the underlying cause is identified and dealt with and the building is kept dry.

If you have landed on our site looking for a science lead solution to a mould problem that may be affecting your health, are concerned about the health issues of being exposed to mould and mycotoxins, or if you need just a simple cost effective means to remove visible mould off surfaces or improve air quality, then don’t hesitate to call us to discuss the issue you face. We will be pleased to try and help you.

So, how does Action Dry stand out from the rest of the Industry and why should you consider what we have to offer? Judge for yourself:

Action Dry focus on water damage and provision of professional mould and mycotoxin decontamination and testing services. We have spearheaded the UK’s emerging mould remediation industry since 1998 and we offer an industry leading science and evidence-based program of works. Our research and laboratory team is lead by Dr Suhail Ahmed a highly educated microbiologist. Our senior Director who leads the drying side, is technical advisor on the steering panel on the BS PAS 64 – the code of practice for the mitigation and recovery of water-damaged buildings and our remediation team is lead by an experienced manager / technician with highly sought after and respected International accreditations rather than having the very basic 3 day course accreditation currently being offered in the UK.

Let Action Dry help guide you through the mould minefield. We specialise in helping those identified as vulnerable and those who have concerns that mould and mycotoxins are impacting negatively on their health.

We look to identify the cause of your mould and damp problem, dry the property if needed, remove unwanted visible and hidden mould as well as any other unwanted related contamination and we are able to verify handover conditions prior to issuing appropriate certificates of hygiene and efficacy of works. We are undoubtedly at the forefront of the mould industry in the UK. Please feel free to call and discuss your needs - you will find us sympathetic, aware, knowlegeable and professional.

We are not Doctors, but we have a good understanding on the implications resulting from exposure within damp, mouldy and otherwise contaminated buildings. We are experienced in the latest Mould and Mycotoxin decontamination techniques - especially benefitting those who are vulnerable or who may be experiencing CIRS, MCS, CFS, Lyme, ME and other diagnosed illnesses. For such clients we can provide a science and evidence based program to prove efficacy of our actions. Or if you simply want the mould growth removed, we can offer a cost effective solution using Goldmorr products which are designed to leave no toxic residues.

Action Dry understand the limitations of mould test methods. We can undertake a full range of testing services and we can help you understand and make use of all the data gathered informing the decision making process. We offer such tests as MSQPCR DNA from which we can calculate both ERMI and HERTSMI2 scores and we offer the highly advanced Mouldscope technology to assess fungal concentration room by room throughout your home or building.

Action Dry are recommended by leading UK and US based Nutritionists, health practitioners and mould decontamination experts and we encourage and look forward if required, to working with your expert to ensure environmental conditions are optimised for your needs.

Our senior technician is the most highly qualified mould remediation specialist in the UK and at present is the only person in the UK who holds the following US ACAC accreditations: CIEC -Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant, CMR - Certified Microbial Remediator, CMC - Certified Microbial Consultant. These qualifactions involve a rigorous exam and reference checking following 8 years experience in the field.

Action Dry are appointed as the UK trainers and distributers for Goldmorr products: The Goldmorr System, is used worldwide by leading licenced operators. Our mould technicians are qualified Goldmorr Master Technicians and are fully resourced to provide a complete and very cost-effective surface and airborne mould risk reduction solution through to a complete science and evidence based program to help you protect or recover your health. The Goldmorr process uses unique, non-toxic biodegradable products created for those concerned about or not wanting chemical residues.

Action Dry are uniquely placed to test for environmental and respirable mould and mycotoxins, endotoxins, actinomycetes, mycobacteria and much more and we have both the experience and resources to deal with the problems you face. Please contact us for further information about this, and we will be happy to tell you more.